anyways.. went to watch da vinci code today (or so i thought, at approximately 6.50pm).. then! at the entrance, they promptly refused entry to me when they realised i had not brought along any ID. so.. although my parents tried to vouch my age.. and i tried to say that wai ling knew me.. they remained unmoved, and stood their ground..
hmm.. well.. that got me thinking.. as long as you look above the age limit.. you can pass. Isnt that the VERY mistake a lot of bars/pubs/clubs/movie theaters make? that since you LOOK legal.. you LOOK above a certain age.. you should be fine. What IF.. someone checks people who look young, even though he/she is 22, but! fails to check a 17 year old, in make up and heels and has a mature air around her- admit it! you know such people exist!
so.. to be foolproof.. pls just check ANYONE who looks like he/she is younger than 30! *Some people in their late twenties may still look very young!
ok.. so.. enough of my age-limitation outburst!
ok! so we watched poseidon.. and i started wondering about the action-hero movie genre.. how it all started with the 'macho men' like rocky, and terminator.. and robocop.. people lapped up the testosterone driven men!
but soon, the regular guy hero comes along.. speed.. die hard.. rush hour.. Bruce Willis.. and people enjoyed the realism of it all.. but this 'type' of action is getting bland.. predictable.. and look at the action scene now.. hardly any actor wishes to sign on an action film...
sadly.. the action movie genre.. is slowly dying out..
(ok! i do not take credit for that analysis.. i watched it on E! on tv.. so.. yup.. just doing a summary of what i watched!)
enjoy the movies! Peace out!
hello all! ahahah.. exams are over.. and we are going to thailand.. chiangmai and bangkok! yays! hmm.. anyhows.. now that the exams are over.. i spend thge majority of my time at home.. w kenny and mummy.. and my companion..
and.. my shows.. survivor.. basically. and some national geographic shows.. hmm..
ooo.. my cello is in the cello 'hospital'.. its separated from me.. for.. 3 days! wahs! aahhaha..
ooo.. shout out to JO ANN! thanks for ur letter girl!! what a pleasant surprise!!
hmm.. exam results are out.. not as i had hoped.. but.. i have learnt my lesson.. and have a new contingency plan for next sem.. yes.. it will be better!
till then.. enjoy your hols pple!! will catch up w a bunch of u when i get back..
the job.. hmmm hmmm.. ebay.. need a GOOD digi cam.. hmm.. hmm...