this post, we will discuss shortly on design..
the world had a designer (not neccessarily a creator.. but could suggest a cretor who designed). look at how everything fit so nicely with one another..
the bird eats the fruit... the bird drops the seed.. the seed grows.. the tree grows.. the bird eats the fruit..
humans have children.. child born.. child grow.. man becomes more adapted to the environment (tones more muscles to hunt).. humans have children.. child born with tendency to have more toned muscles.. humans have children...
Designok. the world is so perfectly balanced.. its just so improbable that BOOM! (BIG BANG!) everything falls so nicely together, and all is in working order.
you may say that evolution is the cause for this perfect working order (darwinsim).. but hey.. going furthur back in time.. we see a 1st thing.. evolution could jolly well be the mechanism of increased adaptability.. BUT! who thought of the mechanism? a designer, maybe?
ok.. this post is meant to give a short discussion on the concept of infinity.
now, what we are trying to say is that the universe did not exist infinitely, and that it must have started existing at one point of time.. and we call this creator 'god'.
the point of the post is about the infinity of the universe.. and not abt who 'god' is. so, leave qns abt the creator for now, and assume that we know that 'god' is a creator..
InfinityThe thing about the universe, is that it has not been in existence forever. There must have been a time zero. A moment when time started, and things started to exist.
How do we know that this is true? well, for one, scientists have shown the probability of the big bang theory. perhaps one day, the particles (all moving about in space) collide together, and BOOM! E.A.R.T.H and the other planets!!! (fine.. this is a topic about DESIGN, which will not be discussed in the post)
a counter argument is.. WELL! the earth could have existed forever, look at our world.. we have numbers. numbers are infinite. the concept of infinity is there.
i say, no! mathematical infinity is not neccessarily a good counter argument for the universe having a 'start' time. i ask you know.. can you draw an infinitely large ellipse?? amazingly, no.
a ellispe is a flattened circle. now look, say.. on a x and y axis, we draw a symmetrical ellipse. it would resemble a '0' (zero) sitting on its side.. as i draw an infinitely large ellipse-its edges growing along the x axis (i.e. an increasingly thinner '0'), it will resemble a line, and lose its 'ellipse-ness'. so.. technically speaking, the infinitely biggest ellipse.. is.. a line.. makes sense, no? so.. how can infinity exist? with the object that we speak of.. to still retain its properties..
so.. since we can show that infinity has its limitations.. hence, it might be more plausible to agree that the earth had a t=0, and had a creator!